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Friday, October 18, 2013

Fast Weight Loss For Women - Ways to Speed Up Weight Loss

There are many ways to speed up weight loss. This article will highlight ways to work toward your goals. They are having to do with portion size and using competition.

The first item to pay attention to is portion size. No matter how hard we dieters try we usually eat larger than a regular portion size. Our idea of one serving of meat may in reality be enough meat to feed a family of four. A way to control portion size is to weigh or visualize our servings.

A normal size of a meat portion is the size of your palm without fingers. A normal size of cheese is as big as four dice. The dice we are talking about are the ones you roll. Not the stuffed variety you hang in your car from your rear view mirror. Find a list of normal sizes for food that you like and stick to it.

Competition is a great motivator and a great way to make things happen. People work harder, longer and faster in competitive activity. Make your program competitive. There are many ways you can turn your goals into a competition.

There are web sites that help you record your food intake, exercise, the nutritional value of the food you eat and your results. There are sites that manage competitive contests for loss. Search for weight loss challenge on the net and you will find these helpful sites and a team of ready competition.

You don't have to go on line to make it competitive. You can complete against yourself by keeping charts and graphs of your progress. Set goals to meet and you can even build in prizes you can earn if you meet these goals. There can also be penalties for not working hard enough. Start playing the dieting game today and be a winner.

For More Related Topics Blog: Pills For Fast Weight Loss

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