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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Best Weight Loss For Women - Obey This 1 Simple Rule For Success!

Do you have that little dress sitting in the back of your closet, you know, the one that is your absolute favorite from years ago? Are you saving it for that day when you'll be able to fit back into it again? Only every time you see it, you're reminded of how long ago it was that you actually wore it?

You can't get rid of that dress because it's a piece of you from when times were fun and carefree. You probably even wore it on a first date with your husband, back when everything was exciting and spontaneous.

The way that dress made you feel when you wore it was amazing - confident, sexy, and ready to take on the world!

Recapturing the memories that dress holds may be the reason you are searching for the best weight loss for women, maybe it's not...

But the fact of the matter is, you are looking for results that will change your body.

While there are numerous ways to go about losing weight, I want to share a simple technique that's perfect for women which you can use right away and it doesn't require any crazy dieting or exercise.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

You may have heard this one before, but I highly doubt you have actually stuck to it, especially for any period of time! In our current society, we've become numb to many of our body's signals, especially when it comes to food.

Scientific studies have shown that a vast majority of people mistake the signal for thirst as the signal for hunger and thus eat when all they needed was a drink. Taking in these extra calories adds up pretty quickly to your butt and thighs!

So go ahead and start drinking plenty of water today, you'll be surprised at how full you feel throughout the day, and ultimately how fewer calories you take in. In just a week or two, you'll see the pounds dropping off!

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Gym Workout

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