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Monday, November 4, 2013

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - A Lasting Weight Loss Story

Fat Loss 4 Idiots, a runaway weight loss success with thousands of users. Fat Loss 4 Idiots makes claims you can lose 9lbs in 11 days. For me personally, it was more like 6lbs in 15 days at the beginning. Since then it's been steady and more importantly I have kept the weight off which was key. I used to roller coaster a lot, my skin feels like a rubber band.

FatLoss4Idiots diet made sense to me as it is based around your metabolism. The way it works is that the human body is clever and memorizes the calories and foods of the past days and speeds up or slows down accordingly. This is why crash diets only work for a little while before you plateau.

It's not a calorie counting program, more like an eating pattern program. You teach your body to remember your intake, then you suddenly change your intake. It tricks your body into burning fat! Sounds too simple, but it really does work.

After trying many conventional diets I feel that Fat Loss 4 Idiots worked for me as I did not feel deprived nor did I have to kill myself with exercise. That was the key to sticking with it, with lasting effect. They claim thousands have had the same success in the last few years.

When you get the program, they definitely over deliver. You will have access to the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Handbook, a personalized diet menu generator and a personalized exercise program. Be prepared for lots of other great information about how you can lose up to 9lbs in 11days, other dieting tips and last but not least...cheating days (yeah!!)

Visit Fatloss4idiots and find out how you can lose 9 lbs in 11 days - be skinny this summer!

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